Le prix Innovation et nouvelles pratiques d’excellence

Le prix Innovation et nouvelles pratiques d’excellence rend hommage à des personnes ou à des équipes dont la pensée audacieuse et les idées transformatrices ont permis d’innover et de faire évoluer un projet ou une démarche au-delà des pratiques exemplaires pour créer de « nouvelles pratiques d’excellence ».

Les lauréats qui ont reçu des prix de l’ARUCC au cours des années antérieures sont invités à demander leur badge numérique en écrivant à Cette adresse courriel est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser..


Adam Robertson HeadshotAdam Robertson (Dalhousie University and Chair on behalf of the Committee)

The Steering Committee is comprised of: Adam Roberston – Assistant Vice President (Enrolment Management) and University Registrar, Dalhousie University (Chair) Shawna Garrett – President and Chief Executive Officer, EduNova Dale Keefe – Chief Strategy and Operations Officer, Post-Secondary Education (PSE) Solutions Program, Council of Nova Scotia University Presidents Laura Kelly-Gates – Administrative Assistant, Post-Secondary Education (PSE) Solutions Program, Council of Nova Scotia University Presidents Neale Bennet – (Former member) Former Chief Strategy and Operations Officer, Post-Secondary Education (PSE) Solutions Program, Council of Nova Scotia University Presidents (retired) Julie Green (Former member) – Former Registrar, University of King's College and Current AVP, Enrolment Management and University Registrar, MacEwan University.

This provincial initiative has represented a significant achievement in the digital transformation of education in Nova Scotia and Canada. Stemming from a joint effort and investment involving the Nova Scotia Department of Advanced Education, the Council of Nova Scotia University Presidents (CONSUP), EduNova, and MyCreds™, the committee was able to successfully support all post-secondary institutions in the province in joining the network. This project stands as a landmark achievement, highlighting the remarkable potential for collaboration among government bodies, educational institutions, and technology platforms.


Jennifer Chin HeadshotJennifer Chin (The University of British Columbia)

Jennifer genuinely cares about students and seeks sustainable and creative solutions that challenge long-standing practices. She questions past decisions and looks toward current and future needs to support students and improve their chances of success and graduation. Jennifer has championed many improvements to benefit student award recipients and works directly with students to gain a deep and honest insight into how award practices impact the lives of student award recipients. Much of her efforts have been focused on improving access for Indigenous student award recipients but have expanded to all students. Some examples of previous innovations were lowering the number of full-time credits student award recipients must maintain each term to receive their funding, allowing family and friends to act as a reference on award applications to support communities where opportunities are few and local businesses are owned by close relations, and formally recognizing cultural differences and adjusting award adjudication and appeal processes to support individual student circumstances.

Her work has led to one of the most dramatic changes to award practices in over two decades at UBC, and it has inspired other Canadian institutions to review their current award practices.



Rella NgRella Ng, Douglas College

Rella s’est jointe à Douglas College en 2017 après avoir travaillé à Simon Fraser University (Burnaby, Colombie-Britannique) en tant que registraire adjointe responsable de l’information, des dossiers et de l’inscription.  Rella a également occupé plusieurs postes à The University of British Columbia, dans le secteur de l’aide financière, des bourses et de l’inscription. En faisant preuve d’innovation et de collaboration, Rella Ng a dirigé les services d’inscription à Douglas College et accompli une croissance transformative du service en adoptant des pratiques exemplaires en matière d’inscription et en s’appuyant sur une gestion et une vision stratégiques des inscriptions.


Beth CannBeth Cann (Dalhousie University)

Vivian HowardVivian Howard (Dalhousie University

La création à Dalhousie University d’une option de notation holistique, centrée sur l’étudiant(e), qui ne contribue pas à la moyenne cumulative et qui est documentée de manière exhaustive (c.-à-d. principes directeurs, schémas de processus, cadres conseil, etc.), qui a servi d’outil pour soutenir les étudiantes et les étudiants dont les résultats ont été affectés par de graves circonstances atténuantes.


Lauréats du prix Innovation et nouvelles pratiques d’excellence


Université de Montréal

  • Jolaine Frigault
  • Colette Côté
  • Cindy Mailloux Charpentier
  • Michel Carrier

University of Lethbridge

  • Natasha Buis-Deering
  • Kendra Fuglerud
  • Marlene Taylor
  • Val Siljak-Kissick
  • Jnig Zhu

Ryerson University

  • Paula Doyle
  • Carolyn Posa
  • Kate Liss
  • Julie Zahab
  • Deanne Wright
  • Hongbo He